Thursday 15 May 2014

Artificial Intelligence

While LadyStripes is hard at work making the animations for the various enemies we have planned, I'm in the process of making an AI.  Here's some commentary, in case you're wondering how it's going:

The Good

I'm trying to make a really intelligent AI, because I always get upset when a game has really idiotic NPCs -- and now I'm in a position to change that.  I'm building a 'virtual psychology' for each type of enemy, complete with fear/confidence, aggression, opinions about other beings, and more.  My hope is to not just have enemies that attack Sigrid and do dirty things to her, but enemies that feel like real intelligent creatures interacting with Sigrid... and then doing dirty things to her.

The Bad

Unfortunately, the number of ways I could program an AI of this complexity is absolutely astronomical.  I can make it simple, complex, flexible, specialized, etc.  Plus, the more I put into the AI, the less likely it is the be portable over to other games that we start working on.  And, in terms of complexity, I'd rather have a working AI by next week than a brilliant AI by the end of the month -- as I'm sure you can sympathize with.

The Ugly

Since LadyStripes only has a handful of graphics that are ready to put into the game, testing the AI has taken a hilarious turn for the ugly; at this point, I'm literally watching how coloured rectangles interact with each other and respond to Sigrid.  It's extremely colourful, but definitely not easy on the eyes, which is why I may be looking forward to LadyStripes' animations even more than you are.

At the end of the day, though, I suppose I have to take what I have.  After all, doing my own project is immensely satisfying, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  That's what I'm going to choose to take from all this:

Freedom is an amazing thing.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Punderful Programming!

While I program, I like to see how many bad jokes I can come up with.  Here's a few that I thought of yesterday, which I decided to share with you:

Just select the text of the answer to read it.

Q: Why do Women need a .covertlyDetermineAge() method?

A: Because int age is a private variable.

Q: Why wouldn't Ben respond, no matter what kind of input he was given?

A: He didn't have focus.

Q: What do you call someone who hangs out with video game creators?

A: A programmer.

That's all for today, but (unfortunately) I always come up with more.

All the best,


Thursday 8 May 2014

Pre-Made Code

Love it or hate it, Java is my programming language of choice for games.  It's vastly inter-compatible, it makes great use of code recycling, and it maintains consistently good performance.

Plus, let's face it:  I don't get paid enough to deal with C++ and the minefield of headaches that it represents.

I get asked a lot why I don't just use Unity or some other engine, when making my own engines in Java takes so much time.  I've always been rather militantly opposed to pre-made code, from WordPress to JQuery to Unity, and I suppose that it's a matter of pride.  Plus, perhaps some arrogance, since I like to think that I can get better performance doing things my way.

In either case, putting together Days of Ragnarok has been a fun experience so far, and I look forward to putting out some pictures of the pre-alpha UI in the next few days.

All the best,


Sunday 4 May 2014

It's a Matter of Perspective

As I'm getting to work on our first few games, I recognise the familiar excitement of starting from scratch and being able to create anything that's within the bounds of my imagination -- and perhaps the user interface of a computer.

I've been going over the different perspectives that I've used in games, and it's remarkable how much of an impact that sort of decision makes on the overall feel of a game.

Since the games are being created by myself and LadyStripes, we made the decision to keep them 2D for now.  We've both done work in 3D, and we can tell you from personal experience that it's very time-consuming in ways in which 2D games just can't compare. 

However, you don't have to start panicking; I started out as a programmer of 2D side-view and isometric games, and 2D has a lot of potential.  I hope to make games that are so immersive, perspective won't even be a thought in the back of your mind.

One of the unique challenges of 2D perspectives is how to add depth without... well... actually adding depth.  Aside from the virtual depth within LadyStripes' art, there are a number of ways in which I'm going to augment the sense of spaciousness. 

Axonometric Projections 

This is a classic way of producing the illusion of 3D within a strictly 2D framework, and (in some regards) is the baby brother of 3D rendering.  Among the different types of axonometric perspectives, isometric views are the most famous.  Less common is a dimetric or trimetric approach, which actually look a lot better than the standard isometric view (in my humble opinion).


By allowing objects to move in front of some objects and beneath others, the player gains a strong sense that they are at a specific depth within the game world.


As you probably already know, objects look smaller as they move farther and farther away.  By having objects which are of an identifiably large size (like a castle) and making them really small, one can give a sense of distance between the foreground and background.  Placing small objects in the 'foreground' area and inflating them has a similar effect.

Now, to decide which games should have which perspectives...

Friday 2 May 2014

A Little Inspiration

Before we start posting our own content, I wanted to share with you some of the games which have inspired us to become adult game developers.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of the best adult games on the internet, but it's a good place to start.

#6 - Trials in Tainted Space
TiTS is the newest game from a guy named Fenoxo, who has become a personal inspiration to me and my partner.  It may be in the works, but it offers the player a great story, a lot of visual accent elements, and a really straightforward UI.  With an emphasis on morphing your character's attributes and plenty of steamy sex scenes, I definitely recommend this one.

#5 - The Meet'N'Fuck Games
These games may be simple, but there's a certain beauty in simplicity.  They offer the player a chance to get off to a good story, without having to devote an afternoon to a single level.

#4 - Sakyubasu No Tatakai
This is one of the most action-oriented adult game that I've played, and actually accomplishes what I consider the holy grail of adult gaming:  Smoothly integrating sex into a game that can stand on its own.  While I appreciate a good sex game as much as the next guy, this game perfectly melts adult content into a side-scrolling combat RPG, which makes it a fun and immersive experience.

#3 - The Legend of Krystal (Version G)
While the Legend of Krystal forums are full of great ideas and great games, this is definitely a gem.  Featuring a good premise, a wide selection of events, and a clear and defined ending, it offers a lot of features which other games lack.  Particularly, I found that the animations served as an inspiration; they offer a lot of excitement to gameplay.

#2 - Corruption of Champions
This is Fenoxo's first big breakthrough, which is another text-based game featuring a stong emphasis on character morphing and furry content.  This is the game where Fenoxo really showed the quality that a text-based game can bring -- if written well.  In terms of written content, I aspire to make written scenes which are as varied and enthralling as the ones in CoC.

#1 - Slave Maker
Slave Maker is a wonderful game, for a number of reasons.  It has a decent collection of graphical elements, it is relatively complex, and it really takes some time and effort to master.  While games without pictures can be excellent, I feel that games like Slave Maker prove just how much a visual aspect can enrich and otherwise good game -- and turn it into an absolute wonder.

Our Mission

We want to make some of the highest quality adult games ever created.

That's it.  Nothing more, and nothing less.

Will we succeed?  Perhaps.

What makes us think that we can?


I am a computer programmer, and my partner is a graphic artist.  We have both made dozens of games, easily played hundreds of adult games, and likely played thousands of games over our lifetimes.  I am also a writer, and have written everything from novels to poems, including erotica.

Clear Vision

After playing a good selection of the adult games on the internet, we know exactly what we like and exactly what we don't like.  We want to make a variety of games to suit different interests, and produce high-quality content for our audience.  Our focus is on storytelling, immersion, and variety.


I'm aware of the fact that there are numerous people like ourselves, and that we're by no means the best programmer and artist on the internet.  I've played lots of games that I hope to match in quality, and we both accept that the process of creating adult games will pose unique challenges for us.

Regardless, we want to try.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Your Truly,
